Kerala Tourism Houseboat,
Nileshwar & Alleppey, Kerala, India.

Tag: Nileshwar backwater

Kerala backwaters

February 27, 2019
Kerala Trourism

The Kerala backwaters are a chain of brackish lagoons and lakes lying parallel to the Arabian Sea coast (known as the Malabar Coast) of Kerala state in southern India. The network includes five large lakes linked by canals, both man made and natural, fed by 38 rivers, and extending virtually half the length of Kerala state. The backwaters were formed by the action of waves and […]

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Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus.
Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.

You can reach us at 9526200400 for booking confirmation.

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100% Safe and Secure

Fully Vaccinated Staff

We will also be following the Government health department recommended guidelines to keep our employees and customers safe.