Two Hours Cruise (Sunset Cruise)

Best time for Two hours cruise 4.30 PM to 6.30PM

Two hours time schedule will based on the availability in between 8.30 am to 6.30 PM.

No of personsPriceExtra PersonAge 5-10 YCompliment
6Rs.5000/-Rs.350/-Rs.175/-Tea with snacks
25Per PersonRs.350/-Rs.175/-Tea with snacks
35Per PersonRs.300/-Rs.150/-Tea with snacks
45 AbovePer PersonRs.250/-Rs.125/-Tea with snacks
Note: Children below age 5 yeas is complimentary

The evening boathouse cruise and two hours cruise also know and sunset cruise. the the best options for small and big group to enjoy the houseboat short time travel with affordable price.

Tags: Sunset cruise, short time cruise, two hours boat, houseboat short time, less price boat house, less time boat house, less time houseboat,short period houseboat, short period boat house, 2 hrs boat house, 2 hours houseboat.

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